We trust you will find all the information you need to feel comfortable going on an e-Bike ride in downtown Hickory.
Unfortunately at this time, we do not offer walk-in service.
With our easy, online booking app, you can make your selections and our concierge will greet you at your reservation time, provide essential training, share important info with you and ensure that you have completed all your pre-ride documents.
When you arrive and are matched up with the e-bike you chose online, and you don’t feel 100% comfortable with it, we will gladly switch it out for one of our other models.
The concierge will also welcome you back and inspect and accept the return of your e-bike(s).
You can book an e-bike to depart our facility as early as 8:00 a.m. The latest return time is 8:00 p.m. That will change with sunset times.
e“Renters” must be 18 years old or older.
e“Riders” on NC streets must be 16 years old or older! (NC law)
“Is an e-Bike easy to ride? It’s been years since I’ve ridden a bike.” Yes! It’s easy and fun! It will all come back to you. You guessed it . . . it’s like “riding a bike!”
How Do I Choose?
We have three different Magicycle e-bike models to choose from.
The Jag is the most compact and feels smaller and more maneuverable to ride. But it feels comfortable even to a 6’3”, 250 pound person.
The Ocelot has a slightly beefier feel, but still accommodates folks from 5’4” ish at the lowest seat setting and folks over 6’ at a higher seat setting. FB Ocelot Reel
The Cruiser, our premium e-bike, is engineered for a smooth and powerful riding experience. One of our Cruisers has a toddler seat for your little one.
Riding on the City Walk and River Walk are fun but exploring other spots around town offers fantastic biking, brews, and bites.
Riding For Exercise.
No more excuses! “Walking is too hard on my knees.” “I don’t have the stamina for exercise.”
Hop on! Pedal when you want. Use on-demand pedal assist and let the bike do the work. Baby steps, Baby!